
Single Mom Slice of Life:
5 Parenting Battlefields That Changed
As My Kids Grew Older


A lot of years have gone by since I started writing Single Mom Slice of Life, and a lot of my views have changed. So in case you’ve stayed with me throughout the years, I give to you, in no particular order, updated five battlefields in single parenthood that I learned from… won… or just gave up on all together.

5. Focusing On Every. Single. Word.

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It's just a fact of life. I have two boys - who talk - a lot - and I am only one set of ears. There was a time when literally hours were spent listening to every single detail of every single class every single day. Quite frankly, you can only hear so much elementary school gossip before your brain begins to leak out of your ears. I'm not saying that I tune them out completely (all of the time), but I have learned there are a few key phrases and tones that will alert my "must listen now" alarm. Otherwise, I sometimes wonder if the car needs an oil change, if the dogs need baths, or if the local radio DJ looks as cute as he sounds and still get away with simply nodding my head with the occasional "what happened then?"

There are many more, like not every meal having veggies, or jumping the instant I hear a fight breaking out, but I'm sure we'll cover those another day. What about you? What are some of the parenting battlefields that you have encountered along the way?