
Life Lessons:
Marina (@ebmommy)

Are  you happy at the moment?

Oh yes! I may not have everything I want but definitely have everything I need…and more. God has been good!

If  you could go back and say anything  to your 16-year-old self now –  what would it be?

There’s more to life than just the material. Everything will fall into place. Prioritize the important stuff and let go of the rest.

What’s  the most important thing you’ve learned  this year?

This past year I’ve seen friends and family go through some rough times. Their experiences have made me introspect and realize that there is so much we need to be thankful for. Biggest lesson learnt? Count my blessings and remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side!

What  do you most want to achieve in the  next 12 months?

Oh this is an easy one!…The rare art of time management!!

What’s  your secret to happiness?

As mentioned earlier, learning to count my blessings. Helps me take stock and realize that I’ve been blessed with much more than I think/acknowledge.

What  one ritual or practice keeps you grounded?

Daily family devotions.. Reminds me to be thankful, humble and have a heart ready to help when and wherever possible.

What’s  your biggest regret?

Hmmm…can’t think of something really huge but smaller regrets include not being able to sew, speak several languages and ride a bicycle!

What’s  the most important lesson you’ve taught  your kid(s)?

The most important lesson I’ve taught (and am teaching) my kids is to always remember that they’re one-of-a-kind and blessed with specific gifts and talents. Nobody can be like them (nor do they need to be anybody else!) and that they’re invaluable in every way.

What  bad habit would you most like to  change about yourself?

Ha!…Snacking frequently even though I’ve crossed that “eat-because-you’re-a-nursing-Momma” phase over a good year or so!!

Aside  from motherhood and marriage what are  you most proud of in your life?

I’m super proud of everything God has allowed Energizer Bunnies’ Mommy Reports to become. 🙂

Who  is your favorite Disney princess and what  has she taught you about parenting?

Snow White! I love her patient, cheerful and giving spirit despite all things. And yes, her heart to pray for her little residents.

I do want to be that Mommy whose home is always open to host, entertain and provide for whoever walks in (yes, even the “Grumpy” folk!) and be an example in love, servanthood and hospitality to and for my kids always.

What  ten words best describe you?

Trustworthy, generous, hardworking, loving, God-fearing, creative, diligent,  unassuming, friendly and fun loving.


The voice behind Energizer Bunnies’ Mommy Reports is married to her best friend. And is blessed to be called Mama by their two wonderful “Energizer Bunnies” – Bunny girl & Bunny Boo

Her blog is a beautiful blend of Mommy tipsChrist-centered encouragementtravel featuresrecipeslifestyle articles & more! 

You can find Marina  pinning her heart awaysnapping up pictures and posting updates all over the Social Media-sphere!