
 Single Mom Slice of Life:
Do You Interfere With Your Kids “Getting Along”?

My kids hate each other. We’re talking knock down drag out door slamming name calling fights that have left clothes ripped and this mom drinking in the corner waiting for the storm to pass.

They also love each other. Sometimes. Every once in a while. If you look hard enough, squint, stand on one hand and tilt your head to the left you can almost kind of sort of see the brotherly bond they have.

So it really is rare to be an outsider watching them – as opposed to refereeing them – in their own bubble of brotherly bonding. That doesn’t mean I won’t completely eavesdrop on them and then repeat it to you.

Imagine if you will, two teenagers battling over which is harder – laundry or dishes. Throw in a couple of “it’s not fair” comments sprinkled with a few “stop complaining” whines and even a “you suck” or two, a good old fashioned “I did it last time!”, and that’s pretty much every day in the house.

Related: Live, Love, Blend: Cinderella Does Not Live Here

This particular conversation was – well – exactly the same thing. In the end, dishes were washed. Not well, but they were washed. The clothes were crammed into the washing machine, so the chances that they were actually cleaned is 5-10%. Then, after a short struggle for the remote, a complaint about why we had green beans instead of broccoli for dinner, and sworn promises that homework was complete, the house fell into a comfortable silence.

From out of the silence came the following conversation:

“Oh yeah, I stuck up for you today.”

“Yeah, how?”

“I was telling this one kid about how stupid big brothers are and he didn’t believe me.”

“I’m not stupid!”

“Yes you are. Remember how you made mom’s head hurt because you asked her if you were a vegetarian, and then you died and became a zombie, what would you eat?”

“Oh yeah. You would eat…”

“Puh-lease. It doesn’t matter. I told him that was your question and he said he thought of it first. And I told him no, only really stupid people could come up with something like that, and he’s not that dumb.”

“Ah. Cool. Thanks, bro.”

Related: 10 From GEM: 10 Ways To Teach Your Kids Compassion

Ok, so, I’m not proud of the fact that yes, zombie conversations are in fact an everyday part of my life, but still, they talked! They had a conversation that included a please, thanks, and one brother standing up for another. And in case you haven’t figured it out, I’m trying this whole “it’s all in how you look at it” way of life this year. Some days, with conversations like the one above, are harder than others.

What about you? Have you ever been so starved for peace you’re willing to jump at any (slim) chance of peace? Do your children get along in their own special way? Do you encourage it, or just let it bloom on its own?