Michael Swerdloff

Life Lessons
Michael Swerdloff

*Are you happy at the moment?

Mostly happy, some physical challenges, back and hips, are causing pain but otherwise happy and grateful. I am living with my love and her daughter, we are creating a great life for ourselves together.

*If you could go back and say anything to your 16-year-old self now – what would it be?

Your brain is a good friend, please use it. Trust yourself, you are amazing and can pretty much do anything. Fear lies and tells you that your are not good enough, attractive enough, kind enough, strong enough or man enough. These are all lies. Do not trust fear, caution is your friend, but fear is not.

*What’s the most important thing you’ve learned this year?

Love can break open parts of us like nothing else, just splits us open in ways we did not know possible.

*What do you most want to achieve in the next 12 months?

I want my health back, I miss being able to do things that have been part of my life since childhood. I am in the healing process, but it takes time.

*What’s your secret to happiness?

I pray and meditate a lot. And say I am sorry when it is true. I am grateful I get the opportunity to meditate and teach others to do so as well. Reiki is also at the core of my existence. For more information about Reiki, please visit www.michaelswerdloff.com/reiki

*What one ritual or practice keeps you grounded?

Daily morning meditation for the last twenty-something years! I cannot imagine a day without meditation and Reiki, glad I don’t have to find out!

*What’s your biggest regret?

In 1993, I needed to say “Yes” to something, but was too scared to do so. The consequences and ripples were great.

*What’s the most important lesson you’ve taught your kid(s)?

Be honest, this means be who you are; no matter where, what and who is around. Part of honesty means trusting yourself and what you know to be true.

*What bad habit would you most like to change about yourself?

Let others know when I need help or support more frequently. There are days I ecperience intense pain and try to keep it from others, because I don’t want to bother them. Truthfully, not telling them ends up bothering them more.

*Aside from motherhood/fatherhood and marriage what are you most proud of in your life?

The polarity of the shifts in my life that took place starting in 1989 and has continued through today, total rebirth in the same lifetime. Hard to conceptualize there was once a time that I was not like I am today.

*When were you happiest?

When I was meditating more times each day, serving others more through Reiki, Counseling, Life Coaching and Community Organizing and playing lots of sand volleyball.

*What ten words best describe you?

Creative, resourceful, committed, open, trustworthy, respectful, playful, brave and strong.

Michael Swerdloff is a Reiki Teaching Master, Life Coach, Counselor and Wedding DJ. He lives and works in Providence, Rhode Island with his life partner Ellen and pseudo-stepdaughter Lena. Michael has been practicing and sharing Reiki and Meditation with others for more than fifteen years. He smiles and laughs for no apparent reason. Michael has backpacked through The Gobi Desert, experienced a six-month mostly silent solo retreat, participated in a ten-day training with H.H. The Dalia Llama and is acutely aware of making mistakes by the day that seem to work themselves out, in spite of himself. He finds his gifts and obstacles mirror each other; wisdom, intuition, intelligence, creativity and self-discipline. I’m still standing. Come stand with me! I’m good at what I do. Providence Life Coaching and Spiritual Training www.michaelswerdloff.com