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The Doctor Is In:
5 Tips To A New You


It is the start of a new year. I know everyone knows what that means, lots of resolutions and goal setting for the new year. I am hoping to continue to meet my health goals in 2016. This year is going to be different, I am sure some of you have said that before. But I am going to use these 5 tips and hopefully discover some more that will help me to reach my health goals this year. I admire our own goodenoughmother and all of the strides she has been making with her fitness and help with Ladimax Fitness. I started and didn’t quite finish a few years ago so this year I will finish strong!



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In order to keep your ticker ticking you need to exercise regularly. It is best if you exercise 30 minutes a day. You do not need to join a gym you can exercise in your home with cans and jugs of water and milk. Put on your music and dance for 15 minutes a day it will do your body good.