
Creative Commons/Richard Kelland

10 From GEM:
10 Subtle Signs That You Might Be A Helicopter Parent

If you’re familiar with Good Enough Mother, then you know that around here perfect parenting is overrated, not to mention utterly impossible. Of course, we all do more than we can physically and emotionally for our children and run ourselves ragged in the process. Most of us do at least a little helicopter parenting. You might not be the parent who emails your children’s teacher every day or the parent who cuts your 10-year-old’s pancakes, but there are other ways you might be flying over your kids and keeping them from growing. Read on for 10 subtle signs that you might be a helicopter parent.

2. You Sacrifice Your Life For Your Children

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Photo Credit: Creative Commons/Andrew Piccone

Every parent makes sacrifices and concessions when it comes to raising children. It’s impossible not to when you understand the responsibility you have. But when your kids see you constantly sacrificing every single one of your wants and needs to invest your energy in them, what messages are they receiving about you? Do they see you as someone who has no life because you’re always worried about theirs? Do you want them to see you as someone with little or no identity outside of them?