Hey all, Happy Friday! Today’s Life Lesson comes to us from a woman who reached out to me on Twitter, having seen one of our other folks (I think it was Ted Rubin) featured. Carissa’s got a lot on her plate right now and more coming. She’s also a survivor. Read on and you’ll see why and remember, if you’d like to be a Life Lesson subject, drop us a line, we’ll get the questions right out to you!

Are you happy at the moment?

Absolutely! All we have is this moment, right?

If you could go back and say anything to your 16-year-old self now – what would it be?

Lighten up! Live, Laugh, Love! Find THIS moment!

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned this year?

I’ve learned that I AM a good mom and I AM headed in a good direction.  Do NOT listen to the guilt in my head!

What do you most want to achieve in the next 12 months?

I want to continue to be a good mom, learn more parenting skills (a daily task), and possibly get accepted into a Masters program in Social Work.

What’s your secret to happiness?

Taking stock of my experiences and turning them into learning opportunities.

What one ritual or practice keeps you grounded?

Frequently expressing gratitude to those around me and being grateful for all I DO have.

What’s your biggest regret?

Taking so long and falling so many times on my path to a healthier life. But, if I hadn’t learned so much during that time and from falling, I would not be where I am now.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve taught your kids?

I hope I am teaching them empathy. That is what I would like for them to learn from me.

What bad habit would you most like to change about yourself?

My tendency to procrastinate and to put off until tomorrow what should and could be done in this moment.

Aside from motherhood, what are you most proud of in your life?

My degree in Social Work and my small successes stacked together to make a difference in my life for the better.

When were you happiest?


What ten words best describe you?

Determined, empathetic, creative, resourceful, intelligent, capable, willing, impulsive, driven, retrospective, resilient.

Carissa Morris, of Layton, UT, is a 31-year-old single mother of two and a half children; number 3 is due in March. She has survived postpartum depression, narcolepsy and a wicked divorce. A social worker who loves to scrapbook and do other crafty things.  She loves to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, and in the process, has learned to advocate for herself.