I know we tend to keep it light around these parts on the weekend but I heard this story and had to get your opinion on it.

Two young burglars broke into a man’s property and stole a bunch of,  what they thought were blank CDs. When they got them back and took a look at them, several of them contained child pornography! They called and then subsequently turned the evidence over to the cops.

Kraig Stockard, the man who was burglarized, initially said the CDs were not his; he later admitted the stash, which dates back to 2004, was his property. The question is not about what happens to Stockard so much; in my opinion, putting him UNDER the jail is too good. But what of the young burglars, what should happen to them?

Here’s my take: Stealing is wrong. What the burglars did was wrong. But there must be at least a kernel of goodness in these kids because they knew that what they viewed was so abhorrent, that they needed to turn it over to authorities, even though it meant coming clean about their own bad behavior. That says to me there’s at least a chance they can be rehabilitated.

I do think they should be punished but that punishment should take into account the fact that they helped cops collar a man who took great joy in harming children.

So what do you think? Should the young burglars be punished for stealing?  If so, what should that punishment be? Lemme hear ya!