Is technology overtaking our lives?

Check out this revealing piece in the Huffington Post. The writer talks about going to dinner with a friend she hadn’t seen in a while. When they sat down, the friend pulled out her blackberry and proceeded to answer it whenever the device went off, regardless of where the two friends were in their conversation.

Okay, I’m not that bad but I am going to come clean about something….

This week, I was on my way into the city for the Woman’s Day, Red Dress Awards and, as is my style, I was doing work in the back of the car. I had my iPhone workin’ and was wired up with my laptop. Then tragedy struck. We hit traffic and the battery on both devices died almost simultaneously. That is a special kind of hell for Type A’s like me. We were still miles from Manhattan and the electrical lifeline that would restore order to my life. I was fidgeting, antsy and uptight (more so than usual).

NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE! What is going on with that? While I may not be as bad as this woman, I think that’s pretty bad. I take my iPhone to bed at night so I can check Facebook and Twitter before nodding off. And recently I think I let loose an audible gasp when a friend with young children told me she and her husband turn their devices off after 4pm.  Holy cow!

So today’s GEM Debate is all about technology – the phones, blackberries, laptops and email that rule our lives.

Are you like me, antsy and out-of-sorts without your electronic tether OR are you able to go without for a while?  Have you ever been with someone who couldn’t or WOULDN’T unplug? How did it make you feel? Or are you that person?

Okay, fire away, and tell the truth! We’re listening…!